Saturday, December 22, 2012

My First Listed Story!

Alight, this is not how most of my storys will be, most are made up, However this one is truly happening to me as we speak. As i'm sure everyone can guess, i enjoy being kicked in the balls xP.
Well, I'm still in High School, Freshmen accualy. But, this girl has been randomly hitting me were it counts lately, i'm starting to wonder if she some how knows? I have always kept this fetish a secret, never let it out until now. But, oh well. I'll share how my yesterday went:


It was after school, around 3:00, and my friend and i were waitting outside for an older firend of ours 
who had moved away a year back. All the sudden, my friend, Ryan told me he had to get his hoodie from inside for our Xmas brake! I replayed "Alright, hurry back." So, being a smart-ass he sprinted back into the school. I laughed for a little, then turned back to look for Devin (The friend who moved). There was no sight of him. All the sudden i turn around again, and see this girl, shes looking straight at me, and normally i'd be all shy and look away, but her look was not the same. I was as if she wanted me to go up to her. So, i did, not exactly my better judgement. I walked up and said "Hello, saw you were looking at me for no reason..?" She replayed "Yeah, your kinda cute. Thought i'd look." She made a cute, teasing face, then said "Have you ever made out with a girl?" Stupidly i said "Yeah, like 3 times." She sighed, then said "Want to make it a 4th?". I of course said yes, and we went to the side of the school, were everyone was gone already. I started kissing her, and all the sudden she knee's in the testicles, and says "Hah!" And walked off. Being hurt a bit, i struggled up off my knees and walked back to Ryan, who was now looking for me. I told him what  happened, and he went up to speak with her. Right as i heard Ryan say something, she screamed "You want the same, fucker?!". Oh well. All i can think now is of the shirt that says "Protect your nuts".
But one thing is for sure, I can't say i didn't enjoy it.

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